Beberapa buku di bawah ini merupakan buku-buku yang berisi tentang kanker yang ditulis dengan bahasa ilmiah populer, sehingga mudah dimengerti oleh orang awam.

Senin, 31 Maret 2008

Cancer Is Not A Disease

Ada buku bagus lagi nih ... judulnya : Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism.

Buku ini lebih menegaskan lagi bahwa munculnya kanker itu adalah karena kekalahan daya tahan tubuh kita melawan gangguan yang masuk ke tubuh (cancer will only occur after all other defense or healing mechanisms in the body have failed)

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yg seringkali muncul di benak penderita kanker akan terjawab dalam buku ini, diantaranya tentang :

* What reasons coerce your body into developing cancer cells?

* Once you have identified these reasons, will you be able to change them? What determines the type and severity of cancer with which you are afflicted?

* If cancer is a survival mechanism, what needs to be done to prevent the body from taking recourse to such drastic defense measures?

* Since the body’s original genetic design always favors the preservation of life and protection against adversities of any kind, why would the body permit self-destruction?

* Why do almost all cancers disappear by themselves, without medical intervention?

* Do radiation, chemotherapy and surgery actually cure cancer, or do cancer survivors heal due to other reasons, despite these radical, side-effect-loaded treatments?

* What roles do fear, frustration, low self-worth and repressed anger play in the origination and outcome of cancer?

* What is the spiritual growth lesson behind cancer?

Kalau mau baca ulasan selengkapnya ada disini ya : link